Sweet Summer Making Process | Elephant Clay Sculpture

by Tina Yu

Sweet Summer Making Process | Elephant Clay Sculpture


Another sculpture finished for my upcoming solo show at Corey Helford Gallery in LA Opens on July 11th I only have two more pieces to make I started preparing for this show since June 2019 It s been a long journey and I was so worried that I won t be able to finish all the pieces on time Luckily everything works out in the end like it always does haha I m so grateful to share my process with all of you Can you guess what animal I m going to sculpt next This sculpture is not completely finished at the moment Like always I m going to seal it with resin to give it a glossy glass like finish If you are interested in this piece and want to be on my collecter list please contact the gallery at sherri coreyhelfordgallery com for any inquiries Thank you Love Tina FAQWhat type of clay do you use Epoxy clay Apoxie Sculpt white What do you use to smooth out the clay Water What s that wire thing you use for structure It s called Wire mesh you can find them at Michael s What paint do you use Golden Acrylics What airbrush do you use Iwata Neo CN Gravity Feed Airbrush What do you use to seal your sculptures Art resin STAY IN TOUCH CONTACTFor Business Inquiries Collaborations tina yu artist gmail com MUSIC painting sculpture elephant artvideo



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