English Tiếng Việt 2 ways to make TAIWANESE PINEAPPLE SHORTCAKES Printable recipe coming soon on my blog www ricenflour com My other COOKIES video tutorials INGREDIENTSMAKE 35 cakes 20 gram each A Simple sugar syrup 100 gram sugar 100 ml water10 ml lemon juice don t use lime juice as it can make the sugar bitter B Durian pineapple filling 320 gram pineapple flesh canned or fresh 260 280 gram durian flesh frozen or fresh 60 gram sugar can be adjusted to taste 15 30 ml simple sugar syrup from A C Dough 1st style 70 gram unsalted butter very soft at room temperature30 gram cream cheese very soft at room temperature60 gram whipping cream 35 gram icing powdered sugar shouldn t be substituted with other types of sugar 1 egg yolk medium sized 18 20 gram 145 gram all purpose flour D Cookie dough 2nd style 120 gram unsalted butter very soft at room temperature35 gram condensed milk cannot be substituted with sugar 1 egg yolk medium sized 18 20 gram 150 gram all purpose flour NOTES 2 Use AP flour for this recipe Cake flour may result in cakes that are too crumbly and fragile while bread flour may give dry and hard dough 3 Simple sugar syrup can be substituted by corn syrup maple syrup or maltose
ブラックオパール Black Opal ホワイトオパール White Opal(気泡が。) ファイアオパール Fire Opal ウォーターオパール Water Opal
We made a large Oreo-shaped cheesecake using both Oreo cookies and vanilla cream. It is a calorie monster if you eat it all by you...
かご猫Blog https://kagonekoshiro.com のせ猫オフィシャルブログ http://ameblo.jp/nosenekoshiro
안녕하세요 여러분 !! 이번엔 창작 그림이에요 ! 머리카락은 가수 sia 의 머리스타일을 보고 생각했답니다. !
It’s low to no water on the 17th floor! Morning sun afternoon shade in La Jolla. Perfect😊 With Laura Eubanks at Design for Serenit...
寝ると手足がテロンテロンの豆大福を見るとついつい触りたくなるお母さん^^ 寝起きの「ミャァ~」の鳴き声に癒されます♬
提供:コスメテックスローランド(株) https://item.rakuten.co.jp/ionplus-biccosme/citruspa_02/
Choco Fills Cookies At Home Without Oven, Egg | चॉकलेट से भरी कूकीज बनाए घर मे बिना ऑवन और अंडे के chocolate cookies,cookies recip...
Here is a box opening for Hwayu the Vampire Princess! I'm obsessed with Fairyland BJDs! So I will definitely be doing more Fairyl...
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