TATI BEAUTY REVIEW swatches & demo

by Serein Wu

TATI BEAUTY REVIEW swatches & demo


Full honest Tati Beauty review with swatches brush swatches and demo of the entire volume 1 eyeshadow palette I give you my first impressions on the first makeup product from Tati instagram sereinwuFacebook sereinwutwitter sereinwubehind the beauty podcast TIMECODES 00 55 full review packaging mirror formula concept 12 55 swatches including brush swatches 16 07 demo of the palette tutorial F A Q how do you pronounce your name like serenehow tall are you 5 4 what s your ethnicity Chinesewhat equipment do you use to film main camera canon 70D vlog camera canon powershot g7x mark ii editing final cut pro FTC Not sponsored Some of the above links are affiliate links I earn a small percentage of sales made via those links but it doesn t cost you anything extra and supports my channel Discount Codes ___ tatibeauty tati sereinwu



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