Today I m getting ready for the day using the new Natasha Denona Glam eyeshadow palette This is the first look I created and so far I m really happy with the palette Be sure to share your thoughts down below xx FOLLOW ME HERE VIDEOS YOU MIGHT LIKEWHAT S ON MY FACEMY FAVORITE MAKEUP BRUSHES Face 2 is my new favorite FTC DISCLAIMER This video is not sponsored I always purchase the products showcased in my videos unless otherwise stated Links above are affiliate links which means I make a small commission from your purchase I appreciate your support
HEY EVERYONE... Welcome BACK to my channel! Today... Nathan is taking over and doing his first ever solo video! He is going to att...
H&H’s Joel Bray and Reiko Caron turned the covered patio at Toronto’s Shangri-La Hotel into a warm, cozy space to relax throughout...
Original Painting using a Palette Knife and Brush by Dusan Malobabic Before Dark - Oil Painting on Canvas - 10 x 12 inches - 25 x ...
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Hello 😄🖐大家好🤗 今次來做一個比較中性D嘅袋 之前做嘅都比較女性化💃🏻
My long awaited... shoe collection! 💕 Clothes linked below! *affiliate links used, and some items were either gifted or bought wit...
My build a Bag books feature unique templates, making bags just couldn't be easier! In this video I'll take you through how to use...
Today I’m going to be doing my makeup using only Pat McGrath products! You can use my code JULIA10 for 10% off on PatMcGrath.com u...
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