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이렇게 작고 귀여운 아기 고양이가 어느새... 변했어요...
It s what you ve all been waiting for Don t forget to subscribe My jumper is old so I don t have a link DISCLAIMEROccasionally I am lucky enough to be sent products clothing free of charge by PR companies meaning I may not have paid for everything I talk about I am not in ANY way obligated to mention these products and if I have done so it is because I genuinely like them I would NEVER talk about or show something I didn t genuinely love Sometimes I may be sponsored by brands for videos I turn down 90 of sponsorship opportunities I will not accept unless I love the brand product already All products items will still have been chosen by myself and the video concept will always be my own idea I would never endorse a brand product that I didn t truly love and believe in I use affiliate links in the description box of this channel This means I earn a very small percentage when you purchase a product I recommend the same way a sales associate in a store earns commission when they help you select a product This does not in any way affect the price you pay for the item and absolutley does not influence my choice of items to show you Lots of love Freds x
이렇게 작고 귀여운 아기 고양이가 어느새... 변했어요...
Meine Lifestyle Favoriten im Mai. Ein Snack, der süchtig macht, Hip Hop frisch aus Florida und eine inspirierende Serie :)
МАТЕРИАЛЫ для создания цветов из фоамирана Украина ЗДЕСЬ: http://vorona.od.ua МАТЕРИАЛЫ Россия ЗДЕСЬ: https://market.catemade.c...
あまりにも可愛くて妹にしつこく猫吸いされてしまったちょりw 妹が1日お休みでちょりも嬉しそうです(^^)
【夢だけど】トトロケーキ【夢じゃなかった!】 テイストメイドは食や旅をテーマにしたグローバルなビデオネットワークです。facebook、Instagram、twitterも公開中。
Привет! В этом видео покажу все оттенки помад L'Oreal Rouge Signature, которые представлены в России. Достоинства, недостатки, сво...
★ SHOP GH DIP POWDER KITS HERE: https://amzn.to/31LwrZ5
このあと2回部屋交換をしてふたりを対面させました! 対面させた時の様子はまた明日にでもお届けしますね^^
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