Throw & Go Sheet Pan Dinners MealPlan

by Rachel Talbott

Throw & Go Sheet Pan Dinners MealPlan


Hey guys I promise I will get better at this whole Meal Plan thing I already have thoughts on how to improve these videos a bit and I m hoping to do one meal planning video a week It will also include grocery hauls shopping vlogs etc We have been eating in so much more than we used to and it s been so great Can t wait to share more Twice Baked Sweet Potato Enchilada 2 3 Large Baked Potatoes Bake at 350 Degrees for 45 hour or until soft Take half of the inside out and add 1 2 tablespoons of Enchilada sauce a dash of salt and pepper and some red pepper flakes optional Put that back into the oven and bake again with cheese on top If you choose to omit the cheese add the toppings of your choice You can do black beans green onion I added some avocado on top but some guac and sour cream would be yummy too Totally up to you Pair it with a protein or enjoy by itself One Pan Sausage and Veggies5 6 Red Potatoes Green BeansRed Green Yellow Bell PeppersBrocoli Mix with Olive oil and season with onion power paprika red chili flakes Oregano or rosemary also tastes good on this Add sausage and bake on 350 degrees for about 20 min or until the veggies are slightly brown One Pan SalmonAdd oil to a pan Add Asparagus fresh salmon Add Garlic cloves slat pepper and thyme Cook on 400 degrees for 15 min MAILING ADDRESS 18653 Ventura Blvd 655 Tarzana CA 91356 DISCLAIMER The opinions expressed are true my own I link affiliate links to make it easier for you to find the exact products I mention and I LOVE YOU Thank you for supporting what I do THIS IS NOT A SPONSORED VIDEO



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