【UVレジン】100均新商品★ネイルスタンプ使ってみた~I ...
Can★Doで秋の新商品のネイルスタンプを見つけたので、ご紹介します。 今年の秋は、幾何学模様(スクエア、トライアングル)、ハロウィン風(キャンディナイト、スプラッシュ)、カフェ風(リラックスカフェ、ウッディウォール)の6種類が出ていました! いつもよりも、背...
This video is a demonstration of using a chum to trim unusual shaped bowls Chums are a wonderful technique for holding a leatherhard piece upside down on the wheel to trim I highly recommend my students learn this technique even if they have access to a jig like a Giffin Grip I review the very basics of trimming a bowl and then demonstrate how make the chum from stiffer throwing clay doming it to fit up inside the pot and then ribbing and scraping off all the slip to prevent the pots from sticking I also make horizontal reference lines to help place the pot on evenly I will also post a link of how I glaze these to really show off the split rims I happen to be using Standard 153 stoneware for this demo as that is the clay my students use on the wheel I made this video for my Ceramics II and III students at Mason High School The wheel class practices a few weeks on just centering and opening So this is designed to lessen their struggle I started my Youtube channel a few years ago to make videos to help my students if they are absent and miss a demo or if they would like to explore more advanced techniques independently I have been amazed to reach such a wider audience than my own students Please subscribe to my channel if you would like to receive channel updates or would like to learn more about clay and studio processes
Can★Doで秋の新商品のネイルスタンプを見つけたので、ご紹介します。 今年の秋は、幾何学模様(スクエア、トライアングル)、ハロウィン風(キャンディナイト、スプラッシュ)、カフェ風(リラックスカフェ、ウッディウォール)の6種類が出ていました! いつもよりも、背...
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How to grow dragon fruit in pots | GROW DRAGON FRUIT IN CONTAINERS
フルーツフラワーレアチーズケーキ テイストメイドは食や旅をテーマにしたグローバルなビデオネットワークです。facebook、Instagram、twitterも公開中。
This video has been recorded for showing the way I design an ornamental Acanthus leaves, subscribe my YouTube channel for getting ...
수리노을 고양이 가족 토크&먹방 Twitch tv 동시방송중 https://www.twitch.tv/surinoelcats 방송 후원하기(Twip) https://twip.kr/donate/surinoelcats ...
They always say, "Once your start contouring, you can't stop"; "Once you wear false lashes, you can't NOT". Can't not...? Whatever...
Wayne Berendhuysen is a master cosplayer and prop maker. He created an Iron Man suit with a moving mask, arm blasters, and rocket ...
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