상큼톡톡! 오렌지 치즈 테린느 만들기 : Orange ...
오렌지 알갱이가 톡톡 터져 더 상큼한 오렌지 크림치즈 테린느를 만들었어요~ ♥더 자세한 레시피와 설명은 밑에 더보기 버튼 눌러 확인 해 주세요♥ ♡For more detailed recipes, please click on the d...
Unisex braided ring How to make handmade jewelry from copper wire There are many ways to braided wire into ring Can do the same with 2 or 4 wire In the video I use 3 wire Do the same with bracelet to form sets With this ring pattern you can use any wire size and type of wire you haveWith simple steps and simple tools Anyone can make their own accessoriesWith creativity you can change some details to create your own style22 gauge wire diameter 0 6mm 3 x 20cm 8 inch 28 gauge wire diameter 0 3mm 40cm 16 inch TIPS Before doing Always be sure to straighten the wire for a more beautiful product Can use a towel to straighten the wire cutting slanted wire and squeezing to avoid scraping the skin Can be replaced with silver wire or gold wire for jewelry more valuableOr simply use cheap material like copper wire to make gifts for friends family or for yourself I just give way reference not the best way Can change size wire to suit your purpose You can do better than me
오렌지 알갱이가 톡톡 터져 더 상큼한 오렌지 크림치즈 테린느를 만들었어요~ ♥더 자세한 레시피와 설명은 밑에 더보기 버튼 눌러 확인 해 주세요♥ ♡For more detailed recipes, please click on the d...
短足マンチカンの男の子、プリンです! お風呂あがりのパパさんがソファに座るといつも隣にいって一緒にごろごろするプリン(^^) あったかいんだね。
The festive season is suddenly here so I’ve rounded up a range of holiday sets from some of my favourite brands. Hope you enjoy th...
You Tubeのコメントがあったので、取り急ぎアップします。しっかりめの生地(45✕13)と畳ヘリ(45✕8)を使用します。畳ヘリは丈夫なので財布etcに使うといいですね。残りの畳ヘリで三角ポーチも簡単に作れますよ。
ガチでお気に入り&おすすめ春リップをまとめてみました! 久々のコスメレビューで上手く伝わっているか不安ですが笑 参考にしてもらえると嬉しいです!
ポッキーで出来ちゃう!クリスマスポッキーリース作ってみた! | Christmas Pocky Wreath
New Merch: https://shop.studio71us.com/collections/hiroyuki-terada
Hello There and HAPPY NEW YEAR ✨
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