VLOG 30 What I ate in HONG KONG | Honeykki 꿀키

by 꿀키honeykki

VLOG 30 What I ate in HONG KONG | Honeykki 꿀키


Hello this is Honeykki Recently I went to Hong Kong with my friend We love bread and coffee So we had lots of it I love them all but I remember the egg tart and croissant from the Bake House bakery the most I should have had 100 egg tarts And we enjoyed Hong kong style milk tea and lemonade during this trip So I bought a lots of it at the market and I m enjoying it now I think I ll enjoy more when I visit Hong Kong again I had such a good time Thank you This video I filmed it using only iPhone XS because I lost my vlogging camera hahaha Music ListElla vaterBoviSunshine sambaSwing theoryA walk in the parkUnder the wire Honeykki s Tasty TableTWITTER honeykkicookINSTAGRAM honey_kkiE MAIL andrabbit naver comDownloading or editing this video is forbidden Hello Welcome to Honeykki s YouTube Channel I make videos about easy Korean foods pretty desserts foods from movies and funny stuff Korean foods cooking Foods from Movie and Drama Delicious Pretty dessert Follow Honeykki




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