Hello this is Honeykki Recently I went to Hong Kong with my friend We love bread and coffee So we had lots of it I love them all but I remember the egg tart and croissant from the Bake House bakery the most I should have had 100 egg tarts And we enjoyed Hong kong style milk tea and lemonade during this trip So I bought a lots of it at the market and I m enjoying it now I think I ll enjoy more when I visit Hong Kong again I had such a good time Thank you This video I filmed it using only iPhone XS because I lost my vlogging camera hahaha Music ListElla vaterBoviSunshine sambaSwing theoryA walk in the parkUnder the wire Honeykki s Tasty TableTWITTER honeykkicookINSTAGRAM honey_kkiE MAIL andrabbit naver comDownloading or editing this video is forbidden Hello Welcome to Honeykki s YouTube Channel I make videos about easy Korean foods pretty desserts foods from movies and funny stuff Korean foods cooking Foods from Movie and Drama Delicious Pretty dessert Follow Honeykki
If you have hooded eyes, small eyes or are not blessed with youtube GURU eye shape you'll know that whenever you do eyeliner it ne...
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こんにちは! ご視聴ありがとうございます♪
Hi everybody
Hey guys! In this video I'll be showing you three elegant nail designs that are easy to do and perfect for fall. Big thank you to ...
Hey guys, coming to you all with a flirty peachy look today! I’ve partnered with my longest love in the world of Brushes: Sigma Be...
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