必看穿搭 12件淘寶/台拍日本行搭配全分享
配件篇在這裡看:https://youtu.be/MoOC0SJKE6g 記得要乖乖看喔~之後我失憶就不會記得啦 快來訂閱我吧►http://bit.ly/sgh-yt 追蹤我的生活►FB:http://bit.ly/fb-GH ►IG:http://bit....
If you like using watercolor you might LOVE using gouache You can also use Gouache with watercolor This video goes over 4 differences and reasons for using gouache vs watercolor for certain projects This video is great for beginners and those interested in using gouache as well as watercolor 4 Differences between watercolor and gouache1 Gouache is more opaque2 Gouache dries faster3 You can paint light colors over dark with gouache think stars highlights whiskers 4 Gouache dries with a matte or flat finishBecause it dries quickly and layers so well it is an excellent medium to use for illustration Also you can use gouache over watercolor if you need to paint light areas over dark areas Share you work with us mrotterstudio mrotterartstudio MusicThe Closing Of Summer by Asher FuleroThis tutorial was made by McCall for Mr Otter Studio
配件篇在這裡看:https://youtu.be/MoOC0SJKE6g 記得要乖乖看喔~之後我失憶就不會記得啦 快來訂閱我吧►http://bit.ly/sgh-yt 追蹤我的生活►FB:http://bit.ly/fb-GH ►IG:http://bit....
■Tapioca Tapioca starch...100g Cocoa powder...6g (You can use matcha instead) Water...65g Sugar...40g ※I recommend coconut sugar o...
Baby Goat Befriends Young Geese Gaggle | This tiny goat needed someone to play with — and she found the perfect friends 💜 Love Ani...
This video shows jewelry that flatters the 6 main face shapes: oval face, square face, round face, diamond face, heart face and pe...
每天都在煩惱要穿什麼出門的話,不妨來參考我的一周穿搭靈感吧! 訂閱黃小米Mii► https://goo.gl/nR6eqz 穿搭分享播放清單► https://goo.gl/IiK500
HidaMari Cooking(ひだまりクッキング)へようこそ。 このチャンネルでは、チョコレートや抹茶、季節のフルーツを使ったお菓子のレシピを中心に投稿しています。
My New Signature Stencils are available for order now! ✰ FLORAL HEADDRESS STENCIL http://shrsl.com/j8dg ✰ FLORAL WREATH MASK http:...
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