Oceanfront Succulent Garden Wa...
Finally home from Hawaii and back to regular scheduling. Enjoy this beautiful garden on the lovely Friday. https://www.designfors...
WHAT A 60 MILLION PRIVATE ISLAND IN BORA BORA LOOKS LIKEWhat an utterly incredible week We travelled to Tahiti then over to Bora Bora and then to Motu Tane Mr Francois Nars private Island that has inspired so many of the beautiful Nars products I ve fallen in love with over the years This was such a dream come true to be able to take my best friend and assistant with me on such an inspiring trip and to spend the week creating once in a lifetime content too Thank you to Nars for the opportunity to learn so much about their products and for surprising us with their newest launch too This is not a sponsored video I receive a small of commission from anything bought via the product links below It doesn t cost you any more and is a little thank you to me I guess for inspiring a possible purchase What I m Wearing Cream Hoody Me Em Sold Out PJs GiftedStriped Playsuit Sunglasses Jimmy ChooBeck s Sunglasses Taylor Morris Blue Bikini Beach CafeBeauty Products Used Nars Fire Clay Coming SoonNars Clean Cut Lip Balm Coming SoonNars Danger Control Palette Sold OutNars Skin Deep Palette Coming January 15thNars Ignited Palette December 26thWhat Who Else is in The Vlog Find Me Music by Epidemic Sound www epidemicsound com Thank you so much for watching and for the support always Love you guys so much
Finally home from Hawaii and back to regular scheduling. Enjoy this beautiful garden on the lovely Friday. https://www.designfors...
A compilation of all the short tutorials for watercolor flowers I uploaded in IG. Bonus: Hydrangea
web: http://cesarcordova.com/ instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cesar_cordova_/ facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cesarcordova...
Mixed media altered small house tutorial for everyone. ♥ ----- for more inspirations : ----- ♥ Maremi New Papers: https://www.ets...
이번엔 이틀 걸려 완성한 정국님의 캐릭터 쿠키를 만들었어요! 눈썹이 멋진 핸썸토끼 !! 너무 귀여워요 ㅎㅎㅎ ▼▼▼▼▼▼▼더보기 버튼 꼭 클릭해주세요▼▼▼▼▼▼▼
💄Nuevo Video en CosasChic►https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLc-0um0N0mBeJ_d2G5uRbzgnEe4bGl7YP 👉Nuevo Video en el Canal Secund...
HÃY ĐĂNG KÝ KÊNH ĐỂ XEM NHỮNG NHỮNG MV MỚI NHẤT FULL HD TỪ NHÀ SẢN XUẤT Website Trường Wordnail: https://www.worldnail.edu.vn Kênh...
❄☃ about this video 👉我買包包會考慮的6件事 1. 實用+耐操|2. 中上的質感|3. 能負擔的價錢 4. 性質不相同|5. 完全符合需求|6. 顏色好搭配
This video have 11 Easy Dinner Ideas that I try collection for all of you and i hope all recipes you want to try.
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