When you watch too many D&G Fashion Shows ‍♀️ - Seductive Make-up Look Fall 2020


When you watch too many D&G Fashion Shows ‍♀️ - Seductive Make-up Look Fall 2020


Used ProductsBROWSBenefit Brow Zings Pro PaletteMaybelline Brow Precise Deep BrownEYESSephora The amazing luminizerGivenchy Taupe Velours EyeshadowNatasha Denona Biba PaletteHourglass Metallic Strobe PaletteMaybelline Lasting Drama 24h EyelinerMaybelline Matte Ink EyelinerHuda Beauty Make up Remover Balm Gosh Catchy Eyes MascaraBASEBobbi Brown Skin Long Wear Weightless Foundation SandGosh Foundation Drops 010Mehron HD Cream Foundation medium 1 light olive The Saem Concealer 1 0 Kiko Contour Stick 201Natasha Denona Diamond Blush 01 daryaCone Cosmetics Blush NakedNYX Powder Sans Filter light beigeCone Cosmetics RP1R20LIPSP2 Lipliner AubergineZoeva The OutsiderCONTACTSDesio Tender HazelWIGAliexpressEARRINGSAliexpressLace BlazerVintageDISCLAIMERThis Video is not sponsored some of the shown products I ve received via PR some I ve bought myself Contactinfo picturresque deMUSICFaith Richards BoldFaith Richards My CaffeineFaith Richards Blue



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