ASMR: Soft & Jiggly Cheesecake...
For the best experience, use headphones. Sit back, relax, and enjoy this soft and jiggly cheesecake. RECIPE INSPIRED BY: https://w...
A volunteer writes Despite his tough looks scars and home cropped ears Rumple is a gentle affectionate sweetheart He is a short squatty 9 year old 70 pound bundle of love If you sit down next to him he will give you a kiss lay his head in your lap and fall asleep Basically he s just a low key couch potato who loves kissing cuddling snoozing snacks and short walks He s been in the shelter a very long time and needs a home Follow The Dodo Check out our site www thedodo com For the love of animals Pass it on
For the best experience, use headphones. Sit back, relax, and enjoy this soft and jiggly cheesecake. RECIPE INSPIRED BY: https://w...
こんにちはLes sens cielです。 今回はバレンタイン用にボンボンショコラを作って見ました。 甘いものが大好きな方も、ちょっと苦手な方にも喜んでもらえる味ってなんだろう…?と考えて男性に人気のコーヒーガナッシュにして見ました。 バレンタインの商品って割...
撮影はWEBカメラを固定して使用しています。 時々画像が揺れますが、星夜(愛猫)が尻尾でカメラを揺らしているせいです…すみません(;´Д`A ```不快に感じる方もいらっしゃるかもしれませんがご了承くださいm(__)m ★BGM:Copyright(C)Mus...
+ 본 영상에는 bareMinerals의 네이티브AD가 포함되어 있습니다. +
Making bread is a time-consuming but magical process.
ハナの1歳の誕生日祝いはコタローの時と同じくおめで鯛です! 去年よりちょっとグレードアップして舟盛りになっております。 無類の魚好きハナは喜んでくれるんでしょうか?
How to stitch the chain introduced in the previous video. I upload this video again using the size 8/0 seed beads. のせ猫オフィシャルブログ かご猫Blog http://kagonekoshir...
Hey guys, I'm still editing this week's video recipe. I promise it's going to be a good one! For a sneak peek at the recipe, go he...
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