(ENG SUB)종이로 날개를 만들수 있다? How t...
English subtitles will be uploaded tomorrow. 영상의 작품은 작품집에 들어가 있습니다. 지난 4년간의 작품들을 보고싶으시거나 좀 더 나은 작업 환경을 위한 후원을 하시려면 텀블벅에서 후원하기를 눌러주...
Long time no what i eat in a week a week filled with super lazy quick simple and tasty vegan meals Some more aesthetic than others Hope you enjoy skip to chocolate coconut granola recipe 7 48What would you like to see from a new vegan grocery video Email minarome yt gmail comWebsite www mina rome com Recipes mentioned INGREDIENTS 1 Cozy Go To Vegan Oatmeal ½ cup small cut oats 45g a pinch of salt½ tsp vanilla1 tsp hemp powder 1 cup oat milk 250ml toppings frozen raspberries white tahini peanut butter agave syrup 2 Chocolate Coconut Granola2 cups coconut flakes 150g ⅓ cup flax seeds ground 50g ¼ tsp salt⅔ cup sunflower seeds chopped if preferred 90g 2 Tbsp chia seeds2 3 Tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder ¼ cup 1 tbsp liquid sweetener 60ml 1 tbsp 2 heaping tbsp white tahini1 tsp vanilla3 tsp coconut oil solida splash of non dairy milk when mixing if needed store in a glass jar keep stored in pantry for up to 3 weeks ish Music by Much love Mina This video is sponosored by Squarespace
English subtitles will be uploaded tomorrow. 영상의 작품은 작품집에 들어가 있습니다. 지난 4년간의 작품들을 보고싶으시거나 좀 더 나은 작업 환경을 위한 후원을 하시려면 텀블벅에서 후원하기를 눌러주...
Learn how to make soap at home four ways using only a handful of materials!
Hello Lovelies!
快來訂閱我的頻道 ► http://bit.ly/1S5eKID 最近在追劇,有人跟我一樣愛看冰與火之歌權力遊戲嗎? 今天模仿冰與火裏面龍后的妝容 這個妝容重點在眉毛和眼睛,還可以作為夏日防脫妝喔~ 這是仿"妝容" 但是不是仿"五官"跟她一模一樣阿 是化出...
In this vlog I take you with us to this small but nice show, which was helt in the ZOO of the capital city of Slovakia.
子猫の頃から自由自在に乗り降り出来ていましたが、現在は人馬一体な感じがします^^ 心が通じ合っているかもしれないひまわりとルンバをご覧ください♬
Nessa videoaula, mostrei como você também pode bordar um moletom poderosíssimo e cheio de pedrarias. Tudo começa com a escolha da ...
🔰Nail Design Ideas For Inspiration❤️Acrylic Nails & Gel Nail😘 🔰Nail Design Ideas For Inspiration❤️Acrylic Nails & Gel Nail😘
Don't know what contact lenses to wear for your cosplay? Here are some suggestions! Part 2: https://youtu.be/5ApzV_HCRXI ❀OPEN FOR...
고양이들에게 우유(펫밀크)를 줬더니 챱챱챱 맛있게 먹었어요. 급하게 먹는 루루 고양이에게는 젖병을 물려줬어요! 그런데, 젖병으론 모자랐나봐요...
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