Worlds Hottest Toast! - Carolina Reaper ️

by AlmazanKitchen

 Worlds Hottest Toast!  - Carolina Reaper ️


PRE ORDER ORIGINAL ALMAZAN KITCHEN KNIFE WITH 50 OFF Yesterday was a National Cheese Day so here s the video with a grilled cheese sandwich but not the standard one We already have a recipe for classical grilled cheese sandwich on our channel such a cool video we recommend to check it out But let s make it a little extra today With delicious T bone steak and unbelievably hot Carolina Reaper pepper What about cheese 3 kinds of it There s a grilled cheese after all in the name isn t it Ingredients T bone cut Carolina Reaper PepperHelp our channel to improve Follow us Special thanks to Danko Vukovic and Luxury Tandoors for huge support on Patreon




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