【動物ポンポン】赤ちゃんパンダの作り方 ~How to ma...
上野動物園で生まれた赤ちゃんパンダ、すくすくと育っているようですね。今回はシャンシャンの誕生と名前が決まったことをお祝いして、動物ポンポンのパンダを作ってみました。 顔だけ作ってブローチにしてもかわいいので、よかったらお試しください。
The nine decades of artist Yayoi Kusama s life have taken her from rural Japan to the New York art scene to contemporary Tokyo in a career in which she has continuously innovated and re invented her style Well known for her repeating dot patterns her art encompasses an astonishing variety of media including painting drawing sculpture film performance and immersive installation It ranges from works on paper featuring intense semi abstract imagery to soft sculpture known as Accumulations to her Infinity Net paintings made up of carefully repeated arcs of paint built up into large patterns Since 1977 Kusama has lived voluntarily in a psychiatric institution and much of her work has been marked with obsessiveness and a desire to escape from psychological trauma In an attempt to share her experiences she creates installations that immerse the viewer in her obsessive vision of endless dots and nets or infinitely mirrored space At the centre of the art world in the 1960s she came into contact with artists including Donald Judd Andy Warhol Joseph Cornell and Claes Oldenburg influencing many along the way She has traded on her identity as an outsider in many contexts as a female artist in a male dominated society as a Japanese person in the Western art world and as a victim of her own neurotic and obsessional symptoms After achieving fame and notoriety with groundbreaking art happenings and events she returned to her country of birth and is now Japan s most prominent contemporary artist art artist kusama yayoikusama painting polkadots dots contemporaryart happening newyork tokyo japan
上野動物園で生まれた赤ちゃんパンダ、すくすくと育っているようですね。今回はシャンシャンの誕生と名前が決まったことをお祝いして、動物ポンポンのパンダを作ってみました。 顔だけ作ってブローチにしてもかわいいので、よかったらお試しください。
◆チャンネル登録お願いします! http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmsni79cpACD5vTIvfZAz4Q?sub_confirmation=1 ◆メンバー登録はこちらから https://www.youtube.com/c...
Hola a todos! hoy realizaremos otra preciosa Flor Gigante de papel | Giant paper flower. He combinado papeles en colores lisos y e...
登録者数1000人達成しました! いつもご視聴いただいているみなさまのお陰です goodボタンもありがとうございます☺️
かわうそ1ねんせいのはなちゃんと2ねんせいのこたろーくん。 はなちゃんはじぶんのなふだをげっとー。 さっそくころがしてこたろーくんのおひるねをじゃまするのだ。 あーなんだかねむくなってきちゃった。。 あたまになふだつけたらみんなになまえおぼえてもらえるかなあ。...
What if i told you its your powder thats causing your foundation to change colour!
↓是非チャンネル登録宜しくお願いします! https://goo.gl/6BYhcn
Here are some of the most beautiful DIY projects you can try for your self at home
This is a Guider Ebonite pen with a #4 Mabie Todd dip pen nib.
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