●パリブレスト Paris-Brest シュー生地_Pate a choux_ 15㎝×2~3台分 全卵 166g(3個分)Eggs 牛乳 50g Milk 水 50g water 無塩バター 60g Unsalted butter グラニュー糖 5g Sug...
How to stitch flowers with BRAZILIAN EMBROIDERY Today s Tutorial is EMBROIDERY flowers design Brazilian Embroidery is a highly textured dimensional embroidery that uses a variety of stitches to create floral and floral related designs Stitches commonly used in Brazilian Embroidery include bullion knots French knots cast on stitch drizzle stitch and pretty much any stitch that can be used to produce dimensional floral elements Amazon Subscribe to OUR channels Track Info Cinematic Documentary AShamaluevMusic
●パリブレスト Paris-Brest シュー生地_Pate a choux_ 15㎝×2~3台分 全卵 166g(3個分)Eggs 牛乳 50g Milk 水 50g water 無塩バター 60g Unsalted butter グラニュー糖 5g Sug...
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Ever wonder how you can effectively care for large indoor plants, especially when they have just come from a nursery? In this vid...
ブラシをかじるのが好きな猫まや。大人しくブラッシングさせてくれない。 猫部屋 Live配信中! http://www.youtube.com/user/kamaitachiTV チャンネル登録をお願いします。(Please Subscribe)http://...
小年糕将迎来喵生第一次洗澡澡 想想之前洗大猫的场景一言难尽啊 除了反抗就是满天飞毛! 而且糕糕还是长毛…… 这个画面…… 想想都会怀疑人生 接受这项挑战吧!! 呼噜怪小年糕洗澡会是什么反应呢 一起来看看吧
Dogs and puppies are soooo funny, listen to these sounds and screams! This will make you laugh so hard, the most impossible try no...
You can stuff yours with blue cheese, but the first thing I do when I get my hand on a date is shake it.
Wild Animals - Awesome Wild Life Videos Compilation (2018) Animales Salvajes Video Recopilacion | Animal Planet Videos 🦄 Subscribe...
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