इस Valentine Day बनाये फूला हुआ Heart Shape Pancake | Perfect Fluffy Pancakes Recipes |CookWithNisha

by Cook With Nisha

इस Valentine Day बनाये फूला हुआ Heart Shape Pancake | Perfect Fluffy Pancakes Recipes |CookWithNisha


Today we will make the PanCake Pancakes is a type of cake with few ingredients and easy to make Try this recipe you will forget about boxed pancake mixture A step by step recipe from scratch Homemade pancake batter with no preservatives Serve hot with accompaniments of your choice like butter margarine honey or strawberry syrup Don t forget to LIKE SHARE COMMENT INGREDIENTS All purpose Flour म द 1 cup or 150 gm Sugar च न 2 tbspBaking Powder प उडर 1 tbspSalt नमक 1 2 tspBoil Milk उबल द ध 1 cupEgg अ ड 1Vanilla Essence 1 2 tspGhee घ 4 tbspThanks NishaAUDIO DISCLAIMER CREDITS



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