本週的廚師假日是,麵食aglio,Olio餐廳êpeperoncino(ARIO,折尾peperoncino)。不用說,這是一個困難peperoncino我頂針。 ARIO大蒜,奧里奧是橄欖油,辣椒佩佩Ronchino意義。因為簡單的美食如同它的名字,意大利面...
本週的廚師假日是,麵食aglio,Olio餐廳êpeperoncino(ARIO,折尾peperoncino)。不用說,這是一個困難peperoncino我頂針。 ARIO大蒜,奧里奧是橄欖油,辣椒佩佩Ronchino意義。因為簡單的美食如同它的名字,意大利面...
Kit Bordados em Fitas Especial Estampas de Flores Enedina Barbosa ( https://bit.ly/2lDWYGn )
A pair of besties - The best thing you'll see today! 🐶🥰🐱
In this week's Must Know Monday video Kelly shows some new items that she got in recently at her store. Harmony Bell Necklaces.
こんにちは!すぴさんです。 今回は受け顔猫耳男子の男装創作コスプレメイクになります/// ※創作ではあるものの色々詰め込み過ぎたので 苦手な方いらっしゃるかもしれません、ご視聴お気を付けください。
Tom Ford is known for being an expensive makeup brand… but when I saw that they launched a 150 dollar foundation, I was SHOCKED. I...
You guys can check out our Frankenlipstick collab with Colourpop here! https://colourpop.com/collections/safiya-nygaard-makeup
HAPPY NEW YEAR! I wanted to start the year with all things I've been loving this winter. Hope you guys enjoyed your holiday and d...
Thank you to everyone who entered this drawing and helped in the fight against pediatric cancer. Even though this drawing is over...
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