Autumn Lookbook, 2018 // ft. Y...
Just another autumn lookbook to keep you cute and comfy. ☕️Stay Cozy🍂
ご覧いただきありがとうございます 今回は最近発売されたKATEとCANMAKEの新作を使って彫深メイクをしてみました リクエストも募集中なので 気軽にコメントしてくださいね それにしても KATEのアイシャドウがドツボでした 今からの季節大活躍しそう もうちょい更新頻度上げれるように頑張ります FOLLOW MEInstagramTwitter day Twitter beauty Blog
Just another autumn lookbook to keep you cute and comfy. ☕️Stay Cozy🍂
今天分享的大部分都是常常出現的老朋友囉 ✌ More Catie ⇊ --------------------------------------------------- Blog: ...
The history of eating one's fellow man is rich with culinary tradition and innovation, carried on in no small part by Dr. Hannibal...
In color psychology, each color has a meaning, suggests certain feelings and emotions. You can use the power of color when you get...
You get a close up and you get a close up and you get a close up! Okay so I'm for real saying that this is my favorite recipe, I R...
are you creating from an authentic place? here's my experience and thoughts on this topic while i paint a feather from a reference...
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