公關品開箱!! 周慶特惠組+專櫃新品試用心得 PR HAUL l Hello Catie

by Hello Catie

公關品開箱!! 周慶特惠組+專櫃新品試用心得  PR HAUL  l  Hello Catie


這次試用的是底妝 頰彩 眉毛類的產品 唇彩跟眼彩會另外再拍一集喔所有提到的東西都列在底下 記得展開描述欄閱讀 More Catie For business inquiries byumoe88 gmail com business only More information about this video Products I mentioned YSL 名模肌密光燦水凝露TOP SECRETS INSTANT MOISTURE GLOWBobbi Brown 一抹完美遮瑕筆 INSTANT FULL COVER CONCEALERYSL Touche Éclat Le Cushion Foundation蕾絲氣墊粉餅Bobbi Brown 自然輕透膠囊氣墊粉底 無瑕版Guerlain嬌蘭 輕裸感觸控氣墊粉底NARS 裸光奇肌粉棒 Velvet Matte Foundation StickNARS Liquid Blush orgasmNARS 迷你All in one亮彩膏 周慶特惠組 這組是忠孝SOGO獨家喔 CLINIQUE 倩碧 Cheek Pop 05 nude popNARS Bord De Plage Highlighting and Bronzing Palette 限量彩盤 台灣已經沒有了但美國還有喔 NARS 天使迷情頰彩盤 限量彩盤 BENEFIT 眉想到的魔法箱 周慶限量組 The Great Brownanza Blockbuster Brow Set 05BENEFIT Precisely My Brow Pencil Ultra Fine Shape DefineHope you enjoy this video XO Catie FAQ What camera do you use使用的相機 Panasonic GF9What s your skin type我的膚質 Normal to dry中性 眼下偏乾 What software do you use to edit video影像剪輯軟體 威力導演DISCLAIMER This is NOT a sponsored video Some of the links are affiliated