肉松面包卷,咸香松软卷不裂,Meat Floss Bread...
Ingredients 食材: 1. The dough 面团: * 50g Cake flour 低筋面粉 1/3cup+1tbsp * 180g Bread flour 高筋面粉 1cup+2tbsp+1tsp *...
Introduction前段时间我的韩国朋友给我寄来一个大脑斧 它是2018年平昌冬奥会的吉祥物 说到平昌 除了滑雪 我这个美食博主第一时间想到的是他们的特产鳟鱼和鳟鱼饺子 鳟鱼饺子外表看起来有点像我们的大馄饨 内馅吃着有点像胶东鲅鱼饺子 我喜欢煎着吃 底脆脆的 馅儿超级鲜美 Ingredients Pyeongchang Trout Dumpling Dough 300g flour1 tsp salt2 eggs80ml water Fillings pumpkin 100g100g onionhalf red chili30g garlic chives60g cabbage100g firm tofu300g troutpinch of salt3 cloves of garlicsmall piece of gingerpinch of black pepper1 tsp sugar1 tbsp sesame oil1 tbsp fried white sesame 鳟鱼饺子 饺子皮 面粉 300克盐 一小勺鸡蛋 2个水 80ml饺子馅 南瓜 100克洋葱 100克红尖椒 半个韭菜 30克卷心菜 60克老豆腐 100克鳟鱼 300克盐 一小撮蒜 3瓣姜 一小块黑胡椒 一小撮糖 一小勺香油 一大勺炒过的白芝麻 一大勺 Latest Video Dirty pastry buns Chopped chilli peper sauce Clams cooked in foil Tofu wrapped baozi Matcha Mousse Cake Oats for rice 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympics official website Gangwon Province website Visit Seoul website 淘宝店铺 曼食慢语新浪微博 Amanda的小厨房微信公众号 amandatastes
Ingredients 食材: 1. The dough 面团: * 50g Cake flour 低筋面粉 1/3cup+1tbsp * 180g Bread flour 高筋面粉 1cup+2tbsp+1tsp *...
皆さん!今回は「きゅうり」を使った美味しいレシピを6品紹介します❤ きゅうりが何本あっても足りないくらいもりもり食べれます! 副菜感覚からご飯モリモリまで!! 気になるレシピがあれば嬉しいです❤宜しくお願いします(*^-^*) ----------------...
If you love Gujarati Thali then you will surly going to like Kathiyawadi Meal. Kathiyawad is very popular for its unique Cuisine. ...
終於在韓國拍了一支Get ready with me! 這集影片步調有稍微放慢了一點 希望你們會喜歡♥♥ 還有什麼想看的影片歡迎留言給我喔~
Continuando a confecção desta nossa blusinha listrada que é uma graça, hoje veremos a costura. Com o avesso todo perfeitinho, fare...
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