Hello everyone! In this video, I talk about the process of my first Acrylic Painting titled "Lolita" and I test the acrylic paints...
もも お風呂なんて絶対入んないって言ったのに もうグレてやる ヘ インスタグラム毎日更新中ニャ Instagram
Hello everyone! In this video, I talk about the process of my first Acrylic Painting titled "Lolita" and I test the acrylic paints...
Hi guys! Today I decided to just paint a sketchbook doodle of the plants that I bought on my short trip. When I got these I didn't...
This video shows the process of applying a luster overglaze on already fired and glazed ceramic pieces. In the video title, I spe...
提供:3rd Spring サードスプリング
娘に、よくぎゅーと抱きしめているので覚えたようです。 ジジはちょっと嫌がるので、2歳になった今でも娘は触れない程度のぎゅーをしてくれます。
Product overload! Lots of skincare, makeup, and hair care in this month's favorites and fails! Let me know the products you've bee...
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Some animals just don't even know what they are doing. Come and see this brand new compilation of the clumsiest pets falling down ...
HidaMari Cooking(ひだまりクッキング)へようこそ。 このチャンネルでは、チョコレートや抹茶、季節のフルーツを使ったお菓子のレシピを中心に投稿しています。
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