日式焦糖炒地瓜-大学芋/Caramel Sweet Potato |MASAの料理ABC
介紹非常懷念的點心小時候常有吃的One of my favorites配綠茶就無法停止 ๑ ᴗ و日式焦糖炒地瓜 大学芋 ほっくり大学イモ 1 2人份 地瓜 Sweet potato 200g味淋 Mirin 2小匙砂糖 Sugar 3大匙醬油 Soy sauce 1小匙黑芝麻粉 Black sesame 少許泰山均衡369健康調合油 適量 如果可以的話請幫我翻譯英文字幕 m _ _ m 謝謝 Contribution for texting 中文 English caption is much appreciated Instagram Instagram com masa_cookingram 食譜書 www masa tw masas book 沙拉油 泰山均衡369健康調合油 TAISUN 369 Blend Oil 砧板 W2 WOOD X WORK 鍋具 BEKA Kitchen Roc晶石鍋系列 26cm 單柄平底鍋 鍋具 BEKA Energy 黑鑽陶瓷健康鍋 單柄平底鍋 鍋具 THERMOS 蘋果原味鍋單柄湯鍋18cm BGM MusMusOtoLogic甘茶の音楽工房PremiumBeat Studio Le BusPremiumBeat Joe SaccoPremiumBeat J Kyonポケットサウンド
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Thanks for joining Leo and I. Today we are making easy specimen dangles or tucks using digital images from Tina at ShabbyDabbyDoDa...
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full face of FIRST IMPRESSIONS...
Today we are testing a bunch of drugstore and high end makeup and putting it to the test! I loooove a lot of these and how pretty ...
MAKEUP GEEK Foiled Lip Gloss +...
Calling all lippie lovers! Roxette Arisa is not only swatching four shades of MAKEUP GEEK's Foiled Lip Gloss but also sharing a fe...
Fluffy compilation of Smoothie & Milkshake playing, sleeping and fooling around.