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When it really comes down to it, it's essential that everything is easily rated on a 10 scale. For example the entire universe and...
WANT TO TRY LUMINARY? Try a starter kit! comes with a pink jar filled with product, 10ml color of your choice and top coat! Start...
Dies ist meine 37. Zentangle Zeichnung. Ihr seht eine gute Stunde, die im Zeitraffer abgespielt wird. This is my 37th Zentangle. I...
DIY LOVELY TOTE BAG | Simple & Easy sewing tutorial [sewingtimes] This is a pretty bag that can be easily made.
The cat wants to be in the movement, so he accepted this challenge. He spied on his dad playing tetris and he was able to put his ...
Welcome back to my channel, guys! I missed you all so much! In today's video, I'm going to show you "7 HALLOWEEN Hacks + DIYS you ...
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I've been wanting to try the Missha Perfect Cover BB Cream for a while. Everyone seems to be talking about it in the comments sect...
This is Claire, now aka Mimi. She is Cody & Cash’s sister. She came to visit and I want everyone to see how beautiful she is.
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