
by ひのき猫



豆大福と違い大人しいオデコがかわいいです 水の飲み方もお上品です いつも動画をご覧いただき ありがとうございます オデコ 猫 ひのき猫



AMAZING Japanese HOT POT Motsu...

  • by Strictly Dumpling 1652

The most famous food item in Fukuoka is Mostsunabe, which is basically a beef intestine hot pot. I went to what people say to be t...

Fathers Day: Papa Pets

  • by The Pet Collective 2069

Happy Father's Day! Let's take a moment to appreciate all the amazing dads and dog dads who taught us all the important lessons in...

Pasta Grannies meets Nonna Mar...

  • by Pasta Grannies 1045

Nonna Maria shares a typical recipe from Abruzzo: pasta alla chitarra with pallotte cacio e uova (cheese and egg dumplings) but wi...


  • by Hitomi 856

皆さんこんにちはひとみです🐥♥️今回は私が今月よくやっていたアイメイク3パターンをご紹介します👩‍🏫 過去のアイメイク動画で必ず質問頂いていた「ブレンディングがうまくできない😭」というお答も再度詳しく解説させて頂いたので楽しんで頂けたら嬉しいです😊