突然又打折 Sephora好物與地雷清單 SephoraHaul

by Hello Catie

突然又打折 Sephora好物與地雷清單 SephoraHaul


影片中提到的東西Products I mentioned URBAN DECAYStay Naked Weightless Liquid Foundation30NNPAT MCGRATHSkin Fetish Sublime Perfection FoundationLight 5URBAN DECAYStay Naked Correcting ConcealerPAT MCGRATHSkin Fetish Sublime Perfection PowderLight 1Milk MakeupBlur Set Matte Loose Setting PowderTranslucent LightFENTY BEAUTYPro Filt r Instant Retouch Setting PowderButterMarc Jacobs Finish Line Perfecting Coconut Setting PowderMarc Jacobs O mega eyeshadow500 Perfect O SEPHORA COLLECTIONContour Blush Spice Market Blush PaletteJouerMolten Glow All Over Face Body HighlighterSEPHORA COLLECTIONRouge Lacquer LipstickHourglassUnreal High Shine Volumizing Lip GlossTruthJouerEssential Lip Enhancer Shine BalmFENTY BEAUTYKillawat Freestyle Highlighter DuoGirl Next Door Chic PhreakSEPHORA COLLECTIONPalette To take awayIntense Coffee Collection Palette di ombretti 美國似乎沒有這盤 NATASHA DENONAMini Nude PaletteHourglassScattered Light Glitter EyeshadowReflect Smoke BlazeNATASHA DENONAChroma Crystal Liquid EyeshadowFENTY BEAUTYPro Filt r Amplifying Eye PrimerDrunk ElephantSlaai Makeup Melting Butter Cleanser More Catie For business inquiries byumoe88 gmail com business only Hope you enjoy this video XO Catie FAQ What camera do you use使用的相機 Canon 80DWhat s your skin type我的膚質 Normal to dry中性 眼下偏乾 DISCLAIMER This is NOT a sponsored video Some of the links are affiliated 這 不是 合作影片 說明欄裡包含分潤連結



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