아리와 아리지옥에서 뒹굴뒹굴

by Ari는 고양이 내가 주인 Ari is cat I’m the ju-in

아리와 아리지옥에서 뒹굴뒹굴


아리와 가끔 이렇게 여유있게 놀고 있을 때면난 도대체 뭐하는 인간인가 얘랑 놀아주는걸 평생해야하는 건가 싶습니다 뭐 나쁘지 않을 수도 흥



Golden Leaves - Brush Pen Art

  • by Rambutan Illustration 2329

Back again guys! ❤ Why didn't I upload anything the past weeks? I'll make a video of it soon :D I have a surprise for you! ·······...

Recent Favorites: Style, Beaut...

  • by Lauren I Chic Éthique 1080

Hi friends, and happy Monday! I wanted to catch up with you guys since it's been a minute, so today we're chatting about some of m...