Acrylic pouring with three colors - black, rose and white - simple painting technique

by Tiktus color Art

Acrylic pouring with three colors - black, rose and white - simple painting technique


In my picture today I combine the colors black and white with a pink Even if you have never painted a picture you will succeed with this simple casting technique and only three acrylic colors Especially beginners often do not know with which colors they should start and which also fit well together That s why I show you in this video series acrylic casting with only three colors color combinations that fit together well No silicon oil was used in this casting pattern the colors were simply mixed according to my recipe and then stacked one after the other in the measuring cup I painted the canvas dark so that the bright screen does not shine through The color layer also flows a little better I hope you like the color combination As always I look forward to a nice comment or a thumbs up Creative greetingsTiktus




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