Watercolor Brush Embroidered C...
Visit http://bit.ly/2w4i2Y7 to enter for a chance to win a trip to New York City and meet Martha Stewart! One lucky winner will at...
What are Cole Marmalade like at the vet This is a question we often get asked well this is what they re like Marm has quite the reputation at vets because of his CATITUDE when he was going through chemo treatments every week I sometimes had to go into the room alone and put a mask on him so he couldn t bite the vet techs Poor lil guy as been through so much in his short time here on earth Cole s not fond of vet visits either and he s very vocal at times but his hisses are just empty threats We do our best to calm the boys down prior to vet visits we leave the carriers out so they get used to them use Feliway wipes and Rescue Remedy but as you can see these have minimal effect on them unfortunately We also wipe down Marmalade with a blanket Cole as been using to get the horrible vet scent off of him in the hopes that Cole will be more friendly when he sees his brother again but in reality it doesn t work that well and it always takes a little time for Cole to feel at ease with his brother back in the house after being gone all day Purrlease support our channel Find us here SECOND YOUTUBE CHANNELHave a question Contact us at coleandmarmalade gmail com Affiliate Links may be present above About Us I love cats Cole and Marmalade are both rescued cats I ve been making cat videos since 2008 we do our best to entertain as well as educate We aim to make a pawsitive difference in the world we hope you can follow us on this purrfect journey Music Not That Serious Angry Cats Trying to Feel Good 2 Epidemic Music
Visit http://bit.ly/2w4i2Y7 to enter for a chance to win a trip to New York City and meet Martha Stewart! One lucky winner will at...
Want to make your very own budget-friendly faux fur bag? I transformed a Primark clutch bag into a fluffy faux fur bag. Using only...
THE GIVEAWAY IS NOW CLOSED, CLICK HERE TO SEE IF YOU'RE A WINNER - https://www.lisaeldridge.com/video/28976/holiday-gift-ideas-and...
Battenberg Cake is an impressive cake originating in England, consisting of two different color sponge cakes assembled in a cheque...
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Tutorial paso a paso para aprender a tejer jersey o saco a crochet con dos hexágonos.
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