August 2020 Bullet Journal Plan With Me | BuJo Set Up

by Plant Based Bride

August 2020 Bullet Journal Plan With Me  |  BuJo Set Up


I m so excited to set up my bullet journal for August my birthday month with a Leo theme What sign are you I m living for the navy and gold colour combo and I hope you like it too Join the PBB Patrons Squad on Patreon Hang out with me on Instagram SUPPLIES USED MY FILMING EQUIPMENT SOCIAL LINKS DISCOUNTS AIRBNB Get 50 off your first trip using AirBnB www airbnb ca c elizabetht3664 2 off each of your first 3 Uber rides Use code elizabetht5060ue BUSINESS INQUIRIES plantbasedbride gmail com DISCLAIMER Some of the above links are AFFILIATE LINKS which means I make a small amount of off your purchase It s great because you pay the same amount but I also make a tiiiiiiny number of for referring you It s totally a win win So thanks friend BulletJournalPlanWithMe



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