Bouquet Made of Jerky

by INSIDER food

Bouquet Made of Jerky


Instead of flowers give the meat lover in your life a bouquet made of beef jerky The meat is made to look like flowers but tastes so much better



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網路流言會提倡不幫貓咪洗澡 並不是我們在做貓咪美容就抨擊這個觀念 事實上,台灣仍有很多人飼養品種貓 有些品種貓的毛非常厚、細密 在氣候比較潮濕悶熱的台灣 飼主因為忙碌而疏於照顧的話 貓咪的毛容易打結、皮膚也會產生黴菌 這樣貓咪就太可憐了