CUTE! Clay Chopstick / Brush Rest DIY!

by thefrugalcrafter Lindsay Weirich

CUTE! Clay Chopstick / Brush Rest DIY!


CUTE Clay Chopstick Brush Rest DIY these are super fun to use or make fir gifts You can use them to rest your chopsticks during a meal or your brush when you are painting so it dries wall and doesn t roll off the table Supplies affiliate links used CUTE Clay Chopstick Brush Rest DIY thefrugalcrafter clay polymerclayMy goal is to provide you with inspiration Subscribe for frequent watercolor painting and crafting tutorials Want more inspiration here are some classes Check out my New Watercolor Classes Credits Video production and Craft ideas Lindsay WeirichMusic Kevin MacLeod incompetech com Licensed under Creative Commons By Attribution 3 0For Sponsorships or Product Reviews email Lindsay at artstudiosofbangor yahoo comFollow along and have fun This post may contain affiliate links




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