Plan With Me | September 2019 ...
In my September journal I'm doing a fresh weekly layout and creating a rose themed cover page! So grab your bujo and plan with me!...
For copyright issues please contact vuthuanan305165 gmail comThank you for watching my videos if you like them please like share and leave your comments SUBSCRIBE to my channel for more new videos Follow us on social
In my September journal I'm doing a fresh weekly layout and creating a rose themed cover page! So grab your bujo and plan with me!...
Hey! So obviously Mia sleeps a lot being a little bald bambino, hence why we have filmed a similar video today but it was too cute...
◆モノグラム・アンプラント スピーディバンドリエール25
Happy Father's Day! Let's take a moment to appreciate all the amazing dads and dog dads who taught us all the important lessons in...
Reminiscent of the deep pile textural decor of the 1970s, Bucilla Rya-Tie is, it is a simple way to achieve that shaggy “latch-hoo...
下地や眉毛などいつもと変わりませんので省いていますが 一応記載しておきます(*´ω`*)💓 下地PAUL & JOEプライマーS01 ファンデーションESTEE LAUDERダブルウェアヌードをーターフレッシュ17ボーン コンシーラーザセム フェイスパウダーE...
ラシャスリップじゃないよと教えてくださった視聴者さんありがとうございました( ; ; )久しぶりのがっつり濃いメイク楽しかったです!リップに感動してしましました!このカラコン、14.5mmに見えなくて不思議です。最後に裸眼だとこのメイクはどうなるのかちらっと...
In this video series I want to share some fo the simplest eyeshadow techniques that give great results with minimum skill!
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