Does Jaclyn Cosmetics Deserve A Second Chance? Highlighter Collection Review

by jeffreestar

Does Jaclyn Cosmetics Deserve A Second Chance? Highlighter Collection Review


HEY EVERYONE Welcome BACK to my channel Today I m sitting down and finally trying Jaclyn Cosmetics The controversy surrounding her first lipstick launch was huge news and I want to address everything from a brand owner s perspective I also try her new highlighter collection Are the products Jeffree Star Approved Here is the truth You can now use code JSTAR at checkout on Morphe com for 10 OFF ANY Morphe product SNAPCHAT jeffreedahmer TWITTER jeffreestarWATCH MORE VIDEOS



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イタリア2日目はだてメガネとベレー帽を被って カジュアルにしてみました♪ 1日目のドレッシーな雰囲気とはまた違ったメイクになってます! 今回はリップとチークが一緒で統一感を出し 目元にゴールドを入れました^^