Floral Embroidery Art by Hand: Relaxing and Satisfying Crafts

by HandiWorks

Floral Embroidery Art by Hand: Relaxing and Satisfying Crafts


You can spend hours relaxing with embroidery which is very much like drawing on fabric It is delightful to complete a work and the pleasure can be prolonged by merely gazing at it Some people might think embroidery is a hobby only for sewing experts Not true said embroidery artist Anna Kawabata who assures beginners there is nothing difficult about it Amazon Track Info Cinematic Documentary Beautiful Cinematic Orchestral AShamaluevMusic



Frozen-inspired Gingerbread Sn...

  • by SweetAmbsCookies 1022

Get the full supply list to make these gingerbread snowflake cookies inspired by the movie Frozen: https://www.sweetambs.com/tutor...

マンゴーレアチーズケーキの作り方 | No-bake Man...


今が旬のマンゴーとパッションフルーツでレアチーズケーキを作りました。 セルクル型がひとつしかない場合は底にゼリーを流して作ってみてください。 ゼリーを省略してマンゴークリームチーズのムースだけでも作れます。