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ご視聴ありがとうございます♡ チャンネル登録&グッドボタン宜しくお願い致します↓↓ http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjW-KhfkUYhjwD7lqN-LcFg?sub_confirmation=1 -------------...
くま先生のネイルTV #086
Here, celebrity hairdresser Sam McKnight has joined forces with Get the Gloss to bring you the first in a series of iconic hair vi...
This rescued puppy has the cutest tail on his face.
Dried fruits, walnut and sweet chestnut bread ドライフルーツとクルミと甘栗のパン♪
Мои вышивальные итоги 2017 1. "Вестник зари" от Панна 2. "Птичка на цветах хлопка" от Парижских вшивальщиц 3. Подушки в технике Х...
시원한 바다가 생각나는 계절이 다가오고 있네요. 시원하게 파도치는 바다비누를 만들어 보는것도 좋을것 같아서 한번 만들어 봤어요. 색을 내고 파도를 만드는것이 조금 귀찮긴 해도 완성된 비누를 보고 있으면 만족 하실거예요~ 제가 쉽게 ...
"Penner the Seal" was rescued when she was just 7 days old, emaciated and dehydrated, she didn't look all that great, but just a w...
まだ夕方にはだいぶ早い時間ですが、まると一緒に寝たくて押しかけちゃったはな。念願かなって、濃密なお昼寝時間。Maru&Hana's nap time!
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