GIANT French Toast CAKE!! | How To Cake It

by How To Cake It

GIANT French Toast CAKE!! | How To Cake It


This week on How to Cake It I m showing you how to make this delicious french toast cake Not only does it have that classic french toast taste the cake looks like a brunch worthy dish This week make sure you check out our two NEW Step By Step videos We re welcoming Cassie back into the kitchen again keeping up the breakfast theme with her breakfast bagel cake You can also head over to watch our new cakemunity member Queeva cake up a beautiful lotus flower cake Check them out here While You Are There Don t Forget To Subscribe Hi I m Yolanda Some people call me the Beyoncé of cakes I post my drool worthy jaw dropping caking creations every Tuesday at 11am EST My novelty cakes come in all shapes and sizes giant versions of foods gross stuff like brains movie characters and some of my favorite things Basically I love to build stuff out of cake buttercream fondant candy cookies and anything sweet Got an idea for a cake I d love to hear it subscribe comment below FOLLOW ME VIDEO TUTORIALS of my Basic Recipes for this MERMAID CAKE MY BASIC RECIPES KEY SUPPLIES FOR THIS CAKE THE HOW TO CAKE IT TEAMEditor Orhan Sumen orhansumen gmail comCinematographer Cody Clay



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