by jeffreestar



HEY EVERYONE I think my dream face mask was just created because I never thought I would get to put GLITTER all over my face and be able to peel it off AND get skin care benefits at the same time The brand GLAMGLOW created this peel off GLITTER MASK which is the first of it s kind on the market This face mask is allegedly going to visibly tighten and lift for a youthful looking complexion DOES IT WORK Watch Nathan I apply this all over our faces and review it SNAPCHAT jeffreestar TWITTER jeffreestarTOP BY GucciOVERALLS BY Louis Vuitton x SupremeWATCH MORE VIDEOS courtesy of NoCopyrightSounds



Baby Bunny in my Slipper!

  • by My BB Bunny 1314

Bunnies life to snuggle and hideout in soft, furry spaces. This little bunny slipper provides just that!

✴︎ミックスベリーとマスカルポーネのケーキの作り方How t...

  • by Les sens ciel 802

こんにちはLes sens cielです。 今回はミックスベリーをたくさん使って鮮やかな色のムースが作りたいなと思いチャレンジしてみました。 マスカルポーネのまろやかなムースとベリーの甘酸っぱいムースに、しっとりとしたチョコスポンジを合わせて、綺麗な層のケーキ...

Easy Origami Ideas and Paper D...

  • by DAILY ART BOX 1162

Paper crafts are amazing! Here are some lovely paper crafts that are so easy to make! Paper is also good for making decorations....

Hide-And-Seek (Photoshop pain...

  • by 샬이 Shal.E 1803

정말 오랜만에 올리는 영상인데 중간에 얼굴부분 묘사할때 깜박하고 영상녹화를 껐나봅니다 파일이 없더라구요. ㅜ.ㅜ.ㅜ.ㅜ 안본새 갑자기 바뀌어도 놀라지마세요 . .

平成31年1月1日 散歩初め New year walk

  • by Momo and Tenももと天 880

初日の出楽しみにしてたのにみんな揃って寝坊した。 1人で寝坊すると「あちゃー💦」ってなるけどみんなで寝坊するとなんか楽しいね。 今年もどうぞよろしくお願いします✨🎍✨

고양이 초상화 촬영 반려동물 전문 사진작가님과 함께

  • by 꼬부기아빠 My Pet Diary 1004

사진들이 너무 잘 찍힌거 같아요! 완성본 빨리 받아보고 싶어요 😆 반려동물 전문으로 찍으시는 분이라 고양이에 대해서도 잘 알고 사진도 정말 잘 찍으시는거 같아요 쵸비가 카메라 보게 하려고 셋이서 힘을 합쳐 시선 끌고 달래주고 놀아줬어...