大模倒渲皂DIY - in the pot pouring ...
Hello everybody On today s tutorial I am going to show you how to embroider a French knot heart and 2 ways to do this stitch Backstitch is also used Remember that it can be embroidered on any fabric Linen etamine dacron etc I hope you like it Details about materials required Fabric used Linen ℹ You can find more information here Recommended videos Flores Bordadas a mano Flower Embroidery ideas Do not forget to subscribe to my channel where you will find different very well explained embroidery tutorials from which you will certainly learn I upload videos on YouTube weekly If you want to know more about my videos I invite you to visit my blog there you will find the designs of each embroidery I also invite you to join the facebook group where we are doing embroidery projects I would like you to participate If you liked this video SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL So you can continue watching my next videos Remember that you can follow me on social networks Hand embroidery tutorial by Artesd OlgaNovember 11 2018
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This simple trick will make your foundation and concealer go on soooo smooth!
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