Homemade Ramen

by JunsKitchen

Homemade Ramen


Thank you for watching ェ EQUIPMENT I use in my channel that you can buy online Amazon affiliates links My favorite knife maker who made my 220mm Damascus chef knifeIngredients serves 2 3 Char siu pork 500g Boston butt You can use belly part which has more fat as well 1 Green Onion Green part 2 3 slices of ginger1 clove of garlic Char siu Sauce 150ml soy sauce100ml mirin100ml sake1tbs sugar 1tsp salt50ml water50ml boito stock soup optional Boiled Eggs 2 eggs 50 Char siu sauce50 water Pour the sauce and water until it covers the eggs Having a paper towel on top of the eggs help soak the sauce evenly This also applies to the pork Chicken soup 1 chicken bone3 5 chicken wings 1 green onion green part 2 slices of gingerwater enough to cover the ingredients in your pot Fish Soup 2 cups of boiling soft water10g bonito flakes 30g Japanese anchovy You can use fish stock that already has mushroom kelp and anchovy in it They are always on the same shelf as bonito flakes in Japan Mushroom Soup 2 dried shiitake mushrooms100ml water Kombu Soup 10g Kelp100ml water Clam Soup Any types of clam you want500ml water50ml sake Thick Soy sauce 50ml soy sauce 5g kelp 5g bonito flakes Put the bonito flakes and a piece of kelp in a tea bag and soak them in soy sauce overnight Chicken Oil 1 chicken skin2g salt Soup Ratio fish soup chicken soup clam soup Kombu soup mushroom soup 4 3 1 1 1 Music Celestial by Sappheiros




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