how I organize my stationery

by milkcloud

 how I organize my stationery


Hi dear friends I recently realized that it has been a whole year since I last uploaded a stationery organization and since so many things changes in my collection I thought it would be nice to make an updated video about it I feel like it grew a lot especially when looking at my Washi tape collection and I m definitely so grateful for that The editing of this video took me so long and I may have lost my soul while editing and I even came to the point in which I questioned having so many things but I m glad that I was able to finish editing without giving up As I mentioned in the video I ve been collecting since 2014 and I slowly build up my collection and this all didn t happen overnight I m also not rich and most of the things I have are either from local stores or aliexpress I am also by no means bragging about anything and I just wanted to show you guys how my Organization looks like with the hopes of being helpful Also please note that these stationery items are used by two people aka milk and me cloud and yes this channel is being run by two people specifically twins in case you wonder And yes some background songs are the same as in my last stationery organization video to make you guys feel nostalgic I guess you ll recognize the songs easily Always stay safe and healthy Hope you enjoy and as always thank you so so much for watching Lots of love Milkcloud want to support us our social media songs DoopianoLunar Piano want to send us a letter fanpost postcards etc Milk Cloud Postfach 614471077 Herrenberg GERMANY Contact Milkcloudd gmail com




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