Fluffy Angel Cake using leftov...
Perfect way to use up left over egg white. Fluffy and light white cake using egg whites, sugar and flour only. Top up with whippe...
In today s video I m showing you how you can make Digital Bullet Journal Templates and sell them by editing your already existing Bullet Journal Themes on a computer All you need is a scanner or a camera to take pictures and then an editing software where all the magic happens In this video I m using Adobe Photoshop to create the digital versions of my bullet journal themes but you could replace this software with a cheaper alternative like Procreate you could do this whole process on an iPad Affinity Photo cheaper but powerful photo editing software Gimp totally free but does everything we need I really hope you ll find this tutorial helpful and use this information to start selling your own bullet journal themes Etsy is a good place to start if creating your own shop seems like too big of a challenge and there s always room for more art on the market THEMES STICKERS AND PRINTS FOR PURCHASE My Etsy shop Here you can find stickers digital download versions my themes and some printables of the drawings However please never feel like you need to buy anything from me to show support Your time your comments encouragement questions that all means more to me than I ll ever be able to explain so this is just totally optional for those of you who ve been asking for it MUSIC From epidemicsound com MY OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA Instagram journal away Pinterest journalawayFor business inquiries please email me at anna journalaway gmail com Hello everybody My name is Anna and I m a young woman from Finland with wild dreams I started bullet journaling in March 2018 and I m completely in love If you share the same hobby grab your journal sit back and Journal Away with me JournalAway BulletJournal DigitalBulletJournal
Perfect way to use up left over egg white. Fluffy and light white cake using egg whites, sugar and flour only. Top up with whippe...
動画の中で喋ってないので ↓こちらの日記?詳細が長いです(笑) 自分用メモとしても書いておきました。
「かわいい猫」 笑わないようにしようとしてください - 最も面白い猫の映画 #353 https://youtu.be/6d4tuaO-S08
Etsy shop: https://etsy.me/2qoH5WP Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/emjlefebvre/ Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/Emjlefebvr...
夏だ!祭りだ!屋台飯レシピ BEST12
今回はViseeAVANTの新色アイシャドウを紹介しました! 大人気のアイシャドウからクリーミィが販売されてついに新色が発売となりました💜 そのアイシャドウを使ったアイメイクとそのアイメイクに合うViseeAVANT新作のリップを提案したので是非参考にしてみて...
まるが今までで一番気に入ったロード。Maru seemed to like this shoji road.
記得訂閱頻道,打開小鈴鐺🔔 https://goo.gl/PFKb3d 每週三、六 21:30分準時發片😎 Email ▸▸▸ courage0024@hotmail.com.tw (For business inquiries) Facebook ▸▸▸...
先日ご紹介した ”V字模様のパスケース”の応用編で、 ジグザグ模様のバッグに仕上げました!
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