浣熊胖福連洗2次棉花糖 呆萌樣融化一票網友
臉書粉絲專頁「Pang Fu Raccoon 浣熊胖福福」時常分享兩隻浣熊的日常,日前飼主給兩隻浣熊棉花糖吃,大家都知道棉花糖遇水就會融化,ㄚ頭很聰明的把棉花糖咬回籠裡吃,而胖福卻把棉花糖拿去洗,棉花糖就這樣在胖福眼前消失,當下伸手在水裡撈啊撈啊,呆萌模樣讓人...
Recipe Super fluffy and moist mascarpone cake 2 layers in one cake fluffy on top and pudding like texture on the bottom Ingredients 18cm cake tin 3 eggs 100mL milk 50g sugar 40g added to egg yolk 10g added to egg white 250g mascarpone 50g self raising flour OR 50g all purpose flour 1 2 teaspoon baking powder Recipe 1 Separate egg white and yolk 2 Whisk egg white until firm meringue forms Add sugar 10g half way through 3 In a separate bowl combine egg yolk sugar 40g milk and mascarpone 4 Sift self raising flour and combine 5 Fold meringue into batter gently 6 Pour batter into cake tin 7 Bake at 170 for 35 40minutes in a water bath 8 Let ti cool Rest cake in fridge overnight 9 Serve and enjoy 材料 18cm 丸型 卵 3個 牛乳100mL 砂糖 50g 卵黄に40g 卵白に10gずつ足す マスカルポーネ 250g 薄力粉 50g ベーキングパウダー小さじ1 2 レシピ 1 卵白と卵黄に分ける 2 卵白を角が立つまでしっかりと泡立てる 途中 砂糖 10g を足す 3 別のボールに卵黄 砂糖 40g 牛乳 マスカルポーネを入れ 混ぜ合わせる 4 薄力粉とベーキングパウダーをふるい入れ 合わせる 5 メレンゲをさっくり混ぜ合わせる 6 生地を型に流しこむ 7 お湯をはった鉄板に型を置き 170 に予熱したオーブンでで 35 40分焼く 8 焼けたら粗熱をとり 冷蔵庫で冷やしたら出来上がり Song Ikson Lights Vlog No Copyright Music Music promoted by Vlog No Copyright Music Find me also on Instagram sora_monnom
臉書粉絲專頁「Pang Fu Raccoon 浣熊胖福福」時常分享兩隻浣熊的日常,日前飼主給兩隻浣熊棉花糖吃,大家都知道棉花糖遇水就會融化,ㄚ頭很聰明的把棉花糖咬回籠裡吃,而胖福卻把棉花糖拿去洗,棉花糖就這樣在胖福眼前消失,當下伸手在水裡撈啊撈啊,呆萌模樣讓人...
Whether you're getting married, acting as a bridesmaid or simply the guest of honour at a wedding this year, we've got the perfect...
こんにちは、よもクローバーです。 自動給水機の水浴びを続けています。 でも、うちの白文鳥こごめは、まだ慣れない様子です。 仕方なく水かけしたところ、良い写真が撮れました(^ ^) 今回はその写真を水浴び後の様子とともにお見せしたいと思います。 どうぞ最後までご...
OPEN ME! I love rose water and have researching it like a mad man! So in today's video I talk about what true rose water is, why i...
https://ameblo.jp/nosenekoshiro/entry-12333598524.html のせ猫オフィシャルブログ http://ameblo.jp/nosenekoshiro かご猫Blog http://kagonekoshiro....
고양이들이 맛있게 먹을 수 있는 피자를 만들어 주었습니다. 익힌 고구마를 으깨서 도우로 만들고, 그 위에 익힌 돼지고기와 구운새우, 야채, 치즈로 마무리 합니다. 사람도 맛있게 먹을 수 있을 것 같은 피자를 고양이들도 좋아할까요? *...
[Surala World - Origami] Origami - Dish, Bowl (with a sheet of paper) (Created by Surala / ⓒ 2018. Surala World) (How to make a P...
How to make a traditional table design for a rectangular dining table.
I'm soooo excited for this collection as a huge fan of these eyeshadow tones and that my surname is a type of cherry! What do you ...
Welcome to day two of my version of Vlogmas 2019!I will be sharing a video every other day leading up until Christmas! Today, we ...
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