How to paint dot mandalas with Kristin Uhrig 50- Pink Ribbon

by Kristin Uhrig

How to paint dot mandalas with Kristin Uhrig 50- Pink Ribbon


This tutorial will show you how to create a Pink Breast Cancer Awareness Ribbon on a stone using dotting techniques It is easy enough for beginners and can also be used on a larger scale for canvases or mugs My webpage and store KristinUhrig comPaints Used Martha Stewart Fuchsia Party Streamer Mother of Pearl GoldBeetle Black Indigo Chestnut brownFolkart titanium whiteArtists s Loft professional High Viscosity Acrylic MagentaGolden Fluid Iridescent GoldTools Used Essence Manicure dotting stylusTinksey Polymer clay sculpting tool with fine ball pointGeneral s charcoal white pencilSaral Transfer paper white Scotch Magic tapescissorscopy paperRustoleum triple Thick Glaze clear acrylic spraySakura Pen Touch paint penG S Hypo CementCrystal transfer tool from Landon Skye Mandalas




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