How to Sculpt a Fringe Shaped Nail Extension in Acrylic

by Naio Nails

How to Sculpt a Fringe Shaped Nail Extension in Acrylic


Hey guys So in today s video I m going to be teaching you how to sculpt a fringe nail extension in acrylic OMG How cool is that However because we like to be a little extra on this channel I am going to be putting my little twist on to it So we ve got the fabulous Cheryl Walker not Shadow Walker on the show today and if you watched her last video you will understand why her nails have already been prepped for the application First of all we are going wipe over her nails and just give them a little bit of a clean We are then gonna fit a sculpting form onto her nails So there you are guys I hope you enjoyed this video and I hope you ve learned a lot from it I can t stress this enough but please give this video a like subscribe to our channel for more wonderful designs and I will see you guys in the next video Love ya xxxxxKirsty OTHER VIDEOS LIKE THIS ONE OUR MOST POPULAR VIDEOS Products Used in This Video Products Commonly Used Music Websites



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