When to Plant your Propagated Cuttings | 7 Unique Plants I Dared to Propagate!


When to Plant your Propagated Cuttings  | 7 Unique Plants I Dared to Propagate!


Many of us spent some of our extra time at home making plant cuttings and propagating them in water Now after about a month and a half my cuttings have rooted to the point that they are almost too big So it s time to plant them I ll show you the detailed step by step process of how I do this I m using a little terra cotta pot for my plantings using a store bought soil mixture peat moss compost pearlite When is the best time to plant rooted cuttings The longer they are the harder it will be for them to acclimate to the soil Also when is the best time to put a stake in your plant Try to plant before the roots grow over and inch or two And wait for a month or so before you fertilize Cuttings planted by time stamp 2 00 Hoya tricolor5 18 Philodendron brandetium5 20 Cebu blue epripremnum13 00 Peperomia prostrata 7 00 Ficus Audrey18 16 Schefflera not ready to plant 20 06 Monstera deliciosa planted outdoors 20 39 Chain of Hearts planted outdoors Thank you all for subscribing and for watching And for sending messages and keeping in touch



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