I made a tree for my cats out of driftwood

by JunsKitchen

I made a tree for my cats out of driftwood


I wanted to make a cat tree to complete my cooking room and decided to try making one out of driftwood I ve never built anything before so this was a new experience for me but I m happy with how it turned out and more importantly so are my cats Also I asked my friend Ryo to do my new logo Please check it if you re interested EQUIPMENT I use on my channel that you can buy online Amazon affiliates links Knife Sharpening Stone Camera





イタリア2日目はだてメガネとベレー帽を被って カジュアルにしてみました♪ 1日目のドレッシーな雰囲気とはまた違ったメイクになってます! 今回はリップとチークが一緒で統一感を出し 目元にゴールドを入れました^^

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