Thanks so much for tuning into CHARLOTTE TILBURY - Dreamgasm Palette and Collagen Lip Baths. Hope you enjoy! xoxo
造型方面参考了Amanda的漸變抹茶慕斯蛋糕 連結如下 做這個蛋糕真是很療癒 尤其是把漸變顏色的餡料一層層倒下去的時後 真的好像漣漪 不過要動作快 因為有魚膠溶液 如果餡料已經有少少凝固 可以放入微波爐加熱幾秒至原本的流動狀態 希望大家鐘意同會試下啦 喜歡可以Subscribe 記住like同follow我facebook同instagram Hope you enjoy watching the recipe feel free to subscribe and like this video I am on facebook and instagram as well if you would like more updates Thanks for watching FOLLOW ME 免焗朱古力芝士蛋糕 No bake Chocolate Cheesecake份量 一個6吋蛋糕 Makes one 6 inch cake 材料 Ingredients 牛油 黄油 30克 Butter 30g 消化餅乾 5塊 63克 Digestive Biscuits 5 pieces 63g 忌廉芝士 奶油奶酪 室溫 180克 Cream Cheese softened 180g 糖 60克 Sugar 60g 牛奶 90毫升 Milk 90ml 魚膠片 吉利丁 3 5片 7克 Gelatin Sheets 3 5 pieces 7g 雲呢拿香油 1茶匙 Vanilla Extract 1 tsp淡忌廉 鮮奶油 150毫升 Whipping Cream 150ml朱古力 巧克力 切碎 75克 Chocolates Chopped 75g 淡忌廉 鮮奶油 熱 40毫升 Whipping Cream Hot 40ml
Thanks so much for tuning into CHARLOTTE TILBURY - Dreamgasm Palette and Collagen Lip Baths. Hope you enjoy! xoxo
NMB48 吉田朱里 ビューティーフォトブック IDOL MAKE BIBLE @アカリン 発売元:主婦の友社 価格:1480円+税 発売:2017年7月18日 全国書店、Amazon、楽天ブックスほかネット書店にて絶賛発売中。
And as promised, here is the second video about this years holiday project - making a fantasy inspired velvet robe!
HEY EVERYONE... Welcome BACK to my channel! Today... Nathan is taking over and doing his first ever solo video! He is going to att...
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materials: polyester yarn (blue 300gr and red 200gr) hook no 3 glue Eva foam inner fabric frame bag 23x20 cm Needle
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提供:日本ロレアル株式会社 URL: 9/1からロフトで先行発売中
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