Corona Ring
Link to Eclipse Earrings:
This is an Italian style Sgraffito frame The Sgraffito technique used here was common in Italy during the 16th century The frame is water gilded in 22k gold leaf The frame is leafed in the corners and centers where the design will be The panel is then painted over The Sgraffito design is revealed by scratching off the paint There is no gold pencil used Other areas of the design are hand painted Check us out on Instagram cjframesnyc where you can see current pictures and videos of our work
Link to Eclipse Earrings:
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天「ももは本当によく寝るな。猫より寝る犬なんて聞いたことないぞ」 もも「なに言ってんの。天が知らないだけでほとんどの犬は猫より寝るもんなんだよ」 天「そうか?でも”寝子”が変化して”猫”になったと言われてるくらい猫は昔からよく寝るものだと、、、」 もも「ちっち...
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Hey, so this was actually the video before the family reunion as Grandma arrived first so this shows how excited they were before ...
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